Artificial Intelligence

AI Sessions Ranging from General to Specific Tasks and Needs

5 Essential Steps for Using AI

The arrival of artificial intelligence technology may have you feeling overwhelmed or unsure of how to adapt. Learn about AI's impact on the real estate industry, and how you can connect the dots between your existing tech and AI's incredible power. From lead generation to marketing and beyond, you'll discover how this powerful tool can help you work smarter. You'll get 5 essential steps for using AI that will help you create customized workflows to streamline your processes and build better relationships with your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this is your opportunity to take your business to the next level. 1-2 hours

I appreciate your knowledge and personalization of a way of business that we need to embrace.” – Sharon Virgin, Great Falls, MT

The class was exactly the message we were looking for. I talked to at least eight members that were very impressed and wanted to use what Abhi taught as soon as possible. ” – Derek Binsfield, M.Ed, Pro. Dev. Director, OKC Metro Ass'n of REALTORS®

AI & ChatGPT for Associations

For Association Executives and Staff Artificial Intelligence or AI has been around for a long time, but with the emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT (written content) & Dalle-2 (imagery and video), MidJourney, Google’s Bard, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot, Canva, and others incorporating AI, it has finally reached the masses. In this session, we'll explore what Generative AI is, and how it can be used by your association or board to help boost efficiencies and productivity; personalize and enhance marketing; improve communications and customer service; and more in an ethical and legal manner. Plus, we'll explore how AI is, and will be, used by your members, consumers, and industry vendors to drastically change the real estate world and how your association operates. By the end of this session, you and your team will be more informed and prepared to stay ahead of the curve of this fast-emerging technology already disrupting the real estate industry. 3 hours

AI & ChatGPT for Brokers

In this session, we'll delve into the widespread integration of AI, thanks to advancements like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Dalle-2, Google’s Bard, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot, Canva, and others. We'll explore Generative AI and its applications in enhancing business efficiency, marketing, communication, customer service, and more while adhering to ethical and legal standards. Additionally, we'll discuss the ways AI is revolutionizing the real estate industry; how AI will be used by your team, consumers, and industry vendors to drastically change how your company operates. 3 hours

Thank you for joining us for BrokerPlus and for the wonderful presentations! The members and staff also enjoyed engaging with you. We heard a lot of great comments about the content and speakers!" - Kim Martin, CMP, Marketing & Events Director, Virginia REALTORS®

AI, ChatGPT, the Law & the Code of Ethics

Artificial Intelligence or AI is powering a new generation of tools that allow you to do some amazing things compared to tools of the past. But there are many downsides to this amazing technology including that if they are used improperly they violate laws and/or the code of ethics. In this session, we will explore how to use them ethically in your life and real estate business. 1-3 hours

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of AI & ChatGPT

WATCH A PROMO Artificial Intelligence or AI is powering a new generation of tools that allow you to do some amazing things compared to tools of the past. But there are many downsides to this amazing technology. In this session, we will explore what AI is and how it can be used improperly which can potentially violate laws and/or be used unethically or worse in your life and real estate business. 1-2 hours

Create Awesome Marketing Content & Materials with AI, Canva & ChatGPT

In this session, we will explore how each attendee can leverage many Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools including OpenAI’s ChatGPT & Dalle, Google’s Bard & Imagen, Canva’s Magic Studio, MidJourney, Descript, D-id, Synthesia, and more to develop effective content and marketing materials to help them connect with consumers, crush it on search engines, social media, videos, and more.Plus how to create an entire year's worth of multi-media content and marketing materials in just minutes!1-2 hours

How AI is Transforming Real Estate

WATCH A TRAILER Artificial Intelligence or AI has been around for a long time, but with the emergence of ChatGPT, Jasper, Bard, and others, this area has exploded in options and tools that are being incorporated into their offerings. In this session, we will explore what AI is, the many ways it can be used in your real estate business and everyday life, the legal and ethical implications, and much more. By the end of this session, you will be more intelligent about this fast-emerging technology to ensure you stay ahead of the curve! 1-4 hours

Separate Modules 1-2 hours: Best Uses for Generative AI & ChatGPT for Real Estate; Create Awesome Marketing Content & Materials with AI & ChatGPT; The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of AI & ChatGPT; AI & ChatGPT and the Laws & the Code of Ethics

AI-Enabled Excellence: Strategies for Real Estate Instructors to Create and Deliver Outstanding Classes

Instructor Development Workshop
Revolutionize your real estate education methods by embracing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)! This session is designed to equip real estate instructors with cutting-edge AI tools and techniques to drastically improve class preparation, material creation, and interactive delivery. Whether you're an industry veteran or a new instructor, you'll leave with actionable insights and practical tools to modernize your teaching methods. Virtual Presentation 1 hour; In Person Presentation 1-3 hours

Unbelievable speaker!!!! I’ve been a real estate instructor for over 40 years, and Chris just blew me away! His knowledge about AI is phenomenal! His energy will be contagious! If you have the chance to hear him, or need a coach, he’s your person!!!!”– Lin Fields

Robots Don't Use Door Keys: A Guide to AI in Real Estate

Tired of the same old sales pitches, clunky spreadsheets, and stale coffee at your open houses? Buckle up, because we're about to take you on a whirlwind tour through the world of AI in real estate! This lively 2-hour class isn't just for tech-savvy agents; it's for anyone who's ever looked at their paperwork and thought, "There's got to be a better way!" 2 hours

AI Communication: Tech and Humanity to Improve Customer Service

AI is definitely a business tool we'll all be implementing. The future is now. Lean into curiosity. Are we implementing AI in ways that improve our workload, and improve our customer’s experience in the transaction? Use it or not, remember, our humanity is the best quality we bring to a transaction. AI should be used to improve communication, not replace it. Agents need to know when using AI is useful and when it may be creating something that is wrong, illegal or unethical. All communication, in every form, is the responsibility of the agent. This session covers the fantastic benefits of using AI while reminding us of the importance of our humanity. AI Workshop Available; 1-2 hours

Everyone is just saying 'You have to do it' but she is saying you don't have to use it and here is how it works and you can start slow, etc.” – Illinois REALTORS® Attendee

Monica was fabulous! We had about 200 members in attendance, and she kept them engaged, learning and laughing the entire time. They really liked the workshop at the end.” - Jonnie Phillips, Chief Executive Officer, Fayette County Board of REALTORS®

Enhancing Customer Service in Real Estate with AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is being adapted for practical uses in every industry. It has affordable and quick options to help real estate professionals communicate better with their clients and the public. AI is an amazing tool to help real estate agents do the myriad of varied tasks needed in the business better and faster. Learn how to use the 2 most popular applications, ChatGPT and Canva, to save time and create interesting descriptions, email templates and marketing tools. (The 2-3 hour version includes ethical considerations for AI)


  • Understand what AI is, how it works, and its applications in the real estate industry.
  • Get a basic understanding how to use CHAT GPT and Canva as tools to improve communication.
  • Know how to write prompts that will produce better outcomes from AI.
  • Handout with app and prompt suggestions.

AI Workshop Available
1-3 hours

Navigating the AI Era: Strategies for Real Estate Associations

For Association/Board Staff Discover the transformative power of AI in our one-hour session, designed exclusively for Association Executives in the Real Estate industry. This engaging course will equip you with the knowledge to leverage AI applications, simplify your daily tasks, streamline your marketing efforts, and improve interactions with your members. Key Takeaways:

  • Get practical applications for real estate associations just by understanding the fundamentals
  • Use AI tools to enhance productivity, amplify marketing, and elevate your member interactions.
  • Implement AI strategies aligning with your association's goals and objectives.
  • Deliverpersonalized member services and content.

1-2 hours

Navigating the AI Landscape: Empowering Real Estate Agents and Enhancing the Consumer Experience

Power up the potential of AI technology with innovative tools to enhance your content creation and lead generation. Target more qualified buyers and sellers and free up as much as 30 hours a week by automating lead follow-up and listing workflows with AI. 1-2 hours

Everyone loved him and all the great information! He even got a standing ovation. Thank you for the recommendation!” – Deanna Devey, Director of Communications & Operations, Utah Association of REALTORS®

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Lisa BettsArtificial Intelligence (AI)