AE & Staff Development

REALTOR® Boards, Associations, and real estate support staff, Rejoice! We’ve got sessions designed just for YOUR training. Get better, faster, and reinvigorated with one of these outstanding sessions.

Intellectual Property Law for AEs Who Hate Lawsuits

For Association Executives and Staff  Your members deserve and expect timely information in an exciting and engaging manner. Associations that provide this information need to be able to identify what materials are subject to intellectual property protection and how to properly use them without infringing on the rights of another. This course provides an introduction to Intellectual Property protection in the United States. AEs will leave with best practices to implement when designing and presenting information to their members. 60-90 minutes

There’s No Font For Sarcasm … Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace

Can u be #dooced 4 that tweet? LOL staff mtngs r so old skool. Different experiences shape the work ethic and motivation of an employee. This course examines how generational cohorts work together...and against each other. Real-life cases taken from the real estate industry pepper this session to make it the perfect mix of theory and practice. With wit and fun, Trista provides food for thought and new approaches to creating more effective communication between generations. 1 hour

AI & ChatGPT for Associations

For Association Executives and Staff Artificial Intelligence or AI has been around for a long time, but with the emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT (written content) & Dalle-2 (imagery and video), MidJourney, Google’s Bard, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot, Canva, and others incorporating AI, it has finally reached the masses. In this session, we'll explore what Generative AI is, and how it can be used by your association or board to help boost efficiencies and productivity; personalize and enhance marketing; improve communications and customer service; and more in an ethical and legal manner. Plus, we'll explore how AI is, and will be, used by your members, consumers, and industry vendors to drastically change the real estate world and how your association operates. By the end of this session, you and your team will be more informed and prepared to stay ahead of the curve of this fast-emerging technology already disrupting the real estate industry. 3 hours

TMI! Too Much Inbox

For Association/Board Staff Do you ever feel like your team’s marketing and communication efforts are for naught and you get the same group of members at each event? Well the fact is your members are continuously being inundated with messages or have Too Much Inbox (TMI), so how do you break through the clutter and make sure your association’s voice is heard? In this session, Craig will explore new techniques and vehicles that will help you boost your associations attendance, participation & more! 1-2 hours

Life in the Fast Lane: Adapt or Die

For Association/Board Staff Darwinism states that “Anything That Doesn’t Adapt, Dies.” The real estate industry has gone through many significant changes in the past, but the recent wave of technology disruptions presents the most daunting set of challenges yet. In this session we will explore this landscape, identify some best practices and provide valuable insights and ideas you can implement to ensure that your association adapts and not only survives, but thrives now and into the future. 1-3 hours

Mission Impossible! Put Butts in Seats at Your Events

Instructor Development Workshop OR For Association/Board Staff Your mission should you decide to accept it. Create strong demand and attendance, while somehow providing consistent promotions to every offering on your educational calendar. Your marketing messages will be received by a member base that is bombarded by thousands of messages each day. If you accept and succeed at this mission, your will achieve happiness & enhanced job security. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Good luck!
So how do you craft each marketing message to stand out and resonate with your members’ and deliver you a packed house? In this session we will review new school marketing concepts, techniques and tools, do breakout sessions to help you devise a multi-touch marketing plan. Plus we will look at some innovative and outside the box ideas that are being done by educators across the country. Basically a 100 mph blitz through Buzz-Worthy "EVENT" marketing. 1 hour

The Proactive Principles of Leadership

KEYNOTE or SESSION For Association Leadership Are you currently managing your board or leading your board? Do your interactions with other board or Association volunteers and staff create a culture of valuable relationships, intentional productivity and effective accountability? Improve your impact as a leader and your ability to set the standards of excellence by joining Pam Ermen for an empowering conversation that will highlight well-defined principles of proactive leadership! 45 - 90 minutes

Is Good Enough ... GOOD Enough?

For Association/Board Staff This session will challenge you to raise the bar...once again! How can you be even more effective in an industry that demands relevance and connection in "real time"? Knowing yourself and the members your serve better than ever is a necessity. We'll discuss "Next Level" leadership strategies for building a collaborative team, prepared to communicate the mission of your association and the real estate industry with renewed passion! 2-3 hours

Navigating the AI Era: Strategies for Real Estate Associations

For Association/Board Staff Discover the transformative power of AI in our one-hour session, designed exclusively for Association Executives in the Real Estate industry. This engaging course will equip you with the knowledge to leverage AI applications, simplify your daily tasks, streamline your marketing efforts, and improve interactions with your members. Key Takeaways:

  • Get practical applications for real estate associations just by understanding the fundamentals
  • Use AI tools to enhance productivity, amplify marketing, and elevate your member interactions.
  • Implement AI strategies aligning with your association's goals and objectives.
  • Deliverpersonalized member services and content.

1-2 hours

John Maxwell Sessions Available from Ifoma Pierre*

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
This training will help you understand how personal growth really works, and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual.

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
if you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect with people. You can learn how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection by learning the Five Principles and Five Practices to develop the crucial skill of connecting.

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions
What are the questions leaders should ask themselves? What questions should they ask members of their team? John Maxwell responds to the toughest problems leaders have presented to him.

Change is so rapid today that leaders must do much more than stay the course to be successful. To survive and keep your company or career alive, you must be flexible and ready to adapt. The key is to learn how to leadershift.

Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn “Life’s Greatest Lessons Are Gained From Our Losses” Every one of us has experienced a disappointing loss in our own personal growth or leadership. How we have responded to those mistakes, errors, slips in judgment or just plain missing the goal has formed us even now.

*No royalty or book purchase required for these sessions; Pierre is an International John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer & Coach. All Sessions are Time Flexible: 1 hour-Full day

Making Music in a Noisy World: Time Management

For Association and Board Staff  It’s easy for a professional to get lost in the commotion of an industry constantly inundated with new technologies, new ways to communicate, and new ways to interact. In Making Music in a Noisy World, Ashton helps you shape your mindset for the modern workplace.

  • Surprise and delight members by integrating the automated systems designed to make you more efficient with a human element that exceeds most members’ expectations
  • Set up easy systems with real time member interactions that fill the void created by technology
  • Successfully use “old school” tactics without completely abandoning a digital platform

45-60 minutes

So What Have You Done for Me Lately?

For Association Staff  Many members take the association and its many activities for granted. Some, if not many, members are ignorant of the amount of services provided by an association. Many members think of the board as “only the MLS” and tend to see membership as a cost of doing business, not a benefit. In this workshop, we’ll discuss ways to both increase value to the members as well as communicate to the members the value added by an association. 1-3 hours

Procuring Cause: Whose Commission Is It, Anyway?

For Association Staff  Commission issues affect REALTOR® Associations, as well as REALTORS®. When a dispute over a commission arises, the local association executive or staff may need to convene an arbitration hearing panel. Guiding a hearing panel through an arbitration hearing is often a challenge for an association executive or professional standards administrator, particularly if there are few such hearings at their local association. This workshop is designed to assist the association executive or professional standards administrator to work confidently with arbitration panels for the benefit of the association’s members. 1-3 hours

The Power of Synergy: How to Work with Volunteers

For Association Staff   The association executive sets the association culture, which should involve mutual respect and shared goals. Not all volunteers are on board with the association culture. Some volunteers become involved because of personal agendas, whether it is building a resume or trying to “fix the board.” The AE is also challenged with drawing members from various specialties into the association as well as bringing in fresh faces and developing future leadership. Gain tips and techniques you need to interact with your diverse members while still accomplishing association goals. 1-3 hours

Effective Strategies for Working With Members

For Association/Board Staff  Working with members is central to every association staff role: from staffing committee meetings and writing meeting agendas and minutes to planning and running events of all kinds. We will discuss member expectations (and how to manage them), the importance of detailed job descriptions, managing relationships and strategies for handling stressful or negative situations. Working for a REALTOR® Association can be rewarding and exciting but having specific tools at your disposal is crucial. 1 hour

Association Operations in a Post-Covid World

For Association/Board Staff Has Covid changed association operations for good? How are REALTOR® Associations addressing staff morale, the Great Resignation, working from home, or hybrid options? Learn more about what the “new normal” looks like for associations and what it means for their employees and their operating procedures. Leave this session with examples you can implement as your association adjusts to the “new normal.” Key Takeaways:

  • How COVID has changed association operations and what they look like moving forward
  • Potential models/office structures
  • Tactics for enhancing staff morale
  • Hiring 100% remote or shared employees
  • Remote vs. in person and hybrid office options
  • How we are adapting and moving forward

1-2 hours

Perception and Reality: Composing Your Leadership’s Perfect Year

For Association/Board Staff  Association executives (and staff) can play a large role in the success of association leadership. Helping your leadership become an effective leader and enjoy a successful year can mean assisting them with developing their leadership skills, utilizing and constantly improving your emotional intelligence, and most of all, recognizing that there are many realities in your organization and that your perception — your reality — may not be the perception of all of the other players. In this session, attendees will test their own perception and compare it to others’ perceptions, using music and visual arts, interactive discussion of how we perceive our environment and how we apply our emotional intelligence to interact and relate to those with whom we work closely — from your leadership to your volunteer members, your staff to the association’s membership as a whole. 1 hour LEADERSHIP SESSION INFORMATION

Maura is an awesome speaker. Great useable ideas and good stories. She is genuine and passionate. I highly recommend her!" - Bob Clark, Minnesota REALTORS®

What’s Your Story? Storytelling Marketing for Associations

For Association/Board Staff  Storytelling is an ancient art; it captivates us all, captures our imaginations, and when used effectively, can make you stand out from the crowd. Storytelling creates understanding and insight into your association as a story for consumers and agents; it creates affinity, even with those not actively involved and engaged with the association; and it provides your organization the vehicle for unique, compelling content. Whether you are promoting RPAC, events and education, or member services, the way you tell your association’s story has the power to help you both recruit and retain your members, to prove and improve the value of membership. So what’s the story you’ll share? 1 hour

Agent Before Association: Revolutionize the Nordstrom Way

For Association/Board Staff  The Nordstrom department store is legendary for exemplary customer service: from the earliest beginnings of Nordstrom, a sign hung that read, “If We Sell You Well, Tell Others. If Not, Tell Us.” Well known for putting customer over company, Nordstrom salespeople are empowered to always make it right for the customer. Nordstrom’s business philosophies easily translate into other industries and provide useful lessons for today’s associations. By viewing the agent as customer, associations can rethink their missions and continue to prove – and improve – the value of association membership and help to revolutionize our industry. 1 hour

Creating Engaging Education for the Next Generation of REALTORS®

For Association/Board Staff One of the biggest challenges facing associations is proving the value of membership, especially to the next generation of REALTORS®. Education, formerly a cornerstone of association services, has lost its luster. Topics that were once all the rage (social media, technology, video) no longer carry the buzz they once did since they are second nature to young professionals and new members. We’ll discuss how to use the resources at your disposal to abandon the status quo and revamp your educational offerings to engage the next generation in new and innovative ways, bringing the value of association membership to the forefront. 1 hour

Ask the Right Questions: Problem Solving and Goal Setting

For Association/Board Staff  Our leaders have two important roles – setting/achieving goals and solving problems during their leadership year. Association executives are uniquely positioned to help hone leadership skills and assist leaders through their year. We’ll explore how asking more questions and the right questions improves your relationship with your leaders. Through exercises and case studies, we'll discuss an array of problem solving strategies and creative goal setting approaches for your Leadership Toolkit. 1-2 hours LEADERSHIP SESSION INFORMATION

Listen – Learn – Lead: The Key to Successful Leadership

The most common mistake in attempting to lead, persuade, and/or influence another person is to do so when they are not receptive. Your efforts will either fall on deaf ears or be misconstrued. The challenge, therefore, is to first create a receptive environment, and that begins with…listening. 1–1.5 hours

"Insighting" Leadership with Collaboration and Solutions

For Association/Board Staff  Effective leadership requires 360-degree vision: To empower your group, you must not only understand the personalities and skill sets of those you work with, you must understand your own. Through self-awareness, you can help others grow. This eye-opening and engaging session reveals how behavioral models and key insights into relationships can be made actionable on any team.

Join Monica Neubauer to examine:

  • The basics of managing an effective meeting
  • The keystones of organization and respect
  • The power of creating a vision statement
  • What steps to take to address and counter fear
  • How divergent groups can cooperate
  • Why every gift has a place at the leadership table

2-6 hours; Modules Available

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Katapult MarketingAE & Staff Development Sessions